Heron & Brearley fundraiser reaches target

Heron & Brearley has achieved its fundraising target of £20,000 for its charity of the year, Guide Dogs UK.
Marketing Manager, Marie Kinvig said; “Since April 2017, all our pubs and convenience stores have been fundraising through all sorts of events and activities. We’ve hosted pub quizzes, sporting challenges and sponsored fancy dress events and it’s been fantastic to see customers joining in and having a lot of fun while fundraising for this incredibly worthwhile charity.”
“When we started, we planned for 2 years to raise the £20,000 but to have achieved this target within 16 months of starting the campaign has been overwhelming. We know we couldn’t have achieved this without the fantastic support of our teams and our customers, and we are ever so grateful for this”, Marie added. “Due to the amount of support we have received, we are going to continue to support Guide Dogs UK through regular fundraising activities.”
“Achieving the target of £20,000 allows us to sponsor two puppies all the way through their Guide Dog training. It takes, on average, 20 months to transform a small puppy into a confident and fully-trained Guide Dog with the ability to transform the lives for two blind or partially sighted people” added Marie.
“We have loved following our first puppy, Brearley, throughout his first 8 months of training and were overjoyed when we got to meet him at the start of August.”
Having achieved our goal, we are now eagerly waiting the birth of their second puppy and are asking anyone with suggestions of what the puppy should be called to email the marketing@hb.im.
To keep up to date with both puppies’ journeys, including all of Brearley’s Pupdates, visit www.pubsandbars.im or Facebook @PubsandBarsIOM.