H&B November PUPdate 2017

It's time for our 4th PUPdate and we are incredibly proud to annouce that our total is £10,818.00!!
This is amazing news as it means we can begin the process of sponsoring our first Guide Dog puppy. The money we’ve raised so far is going to transform the quality of life for a blind or partially sighted person and we couldn’t have done it without all our team's hard work and the generosity of our customers.
We have been in touch with the Guide Dogs and our little pup will be born from the next litter, which will be due in around 12 weeks from now and then we will be able to share their birth certificate and photograph with you and all our customers!
Whilst this is an amazing achievement, we still have another £10,000 to raise before we complete our fundraising aim of sponsoring two Guide Dog puppies by April 2018.