Brearley's First Pupdate

Brearley is now just over 12 weeks old and has been living with his Puppy Walker, Jane, since he left the National Breeding Centre a few weeks ago. Jane will be helping Brearley through the first year or so, and we recently caught up with her to find out how the pair ore getting along.
We are told that Brearley has settled in well with Jane who has already fallen in love with him! He is making great progress and has picked up the basic obedience commands very quickly; he is already good at 'sit', 'down'.
'come', 'wait', 'stop' and 'straight on'. Luckily, Brearley has Jane's other dog, Kirby, who is a l 0-year-old retired
guide dog, to learn from. At first, Brearley had a few unsettled nights whilst he was getting used to his new routines and environment, but it didn't take too long for him to begin sleeping through until 7.30am without a murmur after taking himself to bed most nights at around 11 pm.
Soon, Brearley will have his last vaccination which will allow him to explore more of the world around him on his own four paws rather than being carried in areas that other dogs may have been. Jane has recently introduced Brearley to his collar and lead in order to prepare him for this and was pleased to report that he has taken to it well. He still tends to chew his lead despite being given lots of chews to distract him, but he is just being a cheeky pup, and will hopefully grow out of this behaviour soon.
Being as adorable as he is, Brearley gets a lot of attention when he's out and about, but he doesn't pull towards anyone for attention, which is a brilliant start for him. Brearley is a confident boy and nothing he has encountered in these places has worried him. Out in the town centre and around busy traffic, it can be a little more daunting for a puppy, so Brearley does tend to be a little wary at times, but with practice we're sure he will become used to all these new places.
Although Brearley is an extremely well-behaved lad most of the time, like all young puppies he does have his cheeky moments. Whilst the 'beast from the east' may have been an interference for some, Brearley took full advantage of the snow and loved it! He couldn't work out why his little legs were going straight through, sinking down. He seemed to also have an acquired taste to the snow, constantly being caught with snow on top of his black nose from eating it. When Brearley is not running around in his garden or outside he is playing with his large collection of toys. His favourite is a big monkey toy, which he takes everywhere. When monkey is not to be found he will happily amuse himself with his favourite squeaky toy, much to Jane's delight. There is also a special blue owl toy that he takes to bed every night.
It was wonderful to catch up with Jane and to hear that little Brearley has made such a brilliant start to his training; he is a loveable and bright young puppy and we are sure that his excellent progress will continue in the months to come. We will be in touch again soon with a report card from Brearley's Puppy Training Supervisor.